In today’s fast moving world of technology its important that the correct technology is applied in all areas of business and CCTV is no exception.  Being safe is a wonderful feeling and we at Vantage live by the motto of “Keeping you safe”. With our vast experience, in house R&D team and technical know-how, we are fully equipped and capable of providing world-class solutions, customized according to the needs of our clients, making sure you are able to monitor people, places and assets important to you anytime, anywhere.

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Our Focus is Customer Service.

CCTV Solutions recommends that once your system is installed a regular maintenance program be entered into. We also provide you with a list of daily/weekly checks you can perform. Both of these will ensure your system is kept running at peak performance 365 days of the year. We invite you to take advantage of our toll free customer support

You can be confident from the day you make contact with us that you will receive expert advice and your system will be installed and maintained by a suitably qualified and experienced technician.

 During a system service our technicians will:

  • Complete a full check of your entire system.
  • Provide you with a written report showing any sign of deterioration since installation.
  • Provide any extra training as required for new or existing staff.
  • Offer advice and recommendations to help keep your surveillance system fully operational.

Added bonus – All clients on our routine preventative maintenance program are entitled to free loan equipment should we have to remove a component for repair.