What do teachers want even more than new technology? Training on how to use it
How to Help Teachers Use Technology in the Classroom
SMART TECH SOLUTIONS has a well versed training team for teachers on how to use the innovative interactive technology for the betterment of Student
The teacher’s primary role is to help students understand particular subject matter. Everything else is secondary. Therefore, the focus of any computer-related professional development should not be on the technology itself, but on how computers can improve performance in these core areas of the teacher’s “job.”
Begin with instructional objectives. What should students know and be able to do?
Select appropriate technologies to support these objectives. What technologies can support these instructional objectives? How will the technology be used (with other learning tools) to do this?
Gauge the effectiveness of technology in student learning. How effective is technology in supporting these learning objectives? This allows teachers to make better planning decisions around technology as an instructional tool.
Make professional development workplace-based. Conduct professional development in the very environment in which the teacher will be expected to use computers-her classroom. This builds confidence that teachers can use a particular piece of software given their own constraints. It removes the “deficit” excuse of “I can’t do this in my classroom because…” Equally important, classroom-based professional development keeps technology instructors honest. If teachers can’t use technology a certain way given their physical or demographic constraints, technology instructors need to know so they can better support teachers with implementation.